Monthly Archives: June 2012

This week at a glance…

 So I am trying to commit as one of my new goals, to blog once a week. We will see how this works. I often have many “blogish” ideas or things I would just like to remember in life and never get around to blogging them. So here’s hoping that I can accomplish this. Other goals that I have are:

Read a new book each month.

Read the Bible in a year.

exercise 3-4 times a week. (Hoping that this gets easier this summer, also another goal that stems from this was… exercise regularly before getting preggo again, here again we will see.)

Read more books to my girls daily.

Make coffee, chai, and ice tea at home. (Am I addicted to caffeine, I’d say yes. Am I addicted to Starbucks, I’d yes once again. Do I go to Starbucks all that often, no. When I found out the grande caramel macchiato is now $4.05, I wanted to barf in my mouth. That is $16.20 a month if I went each week… I get $50 for fun money. So because I also have a longing for addiction to be a shopper, I’d rather use my $50 on clothing or some other item… we will see what happens. *side note, I have this stove frother that makes awesome foam, so if you too are in the same dilemma as me, I advise investing in one such product. 🙂

I’m sure I could add more to the list like get my craft on more often or bust out the guitar that’s collecting dust in the garage… but for now the above list is just fine.

So onto the Happenings of the week…


We went to Afton Field Farms. It is this awesome Farm down in Corvallis that is all about organic practices and sustainable living. Right up my alley. They also do a meat/eggs/raw honey CSA which I will be splitting with a friend. So excited. I know it sounds obnoxious, and to some it might be, but I’m stoked to have found this place and be able to eat food that I know is not full of other stuff. Anyhoo…. Ava, Charis and I took a little field trip down to visit the place. We got to hold baby chicks, saw piglets, and coveted the old farm-house on the property. (If you want to know one of the items on my wish list, it’s a house that was built in the 1930’s or before, specifically farm-house with a red barn out back.)



Want me some chickens!

Later that night was a bit sentimental, at least for me.

 These lovely ladies have been coming to my house all year long. Love these ladies so much. The last 20 weeks we have been doing a bible study called, “Breaking Free By, Beth Moore”. It is an awesome study based out of the book of Isaiah which is also so so so rich with truth. Anyhow we completed the study! I know this doesn’t sound all monumental, but it really is. It is a blessing that these girls, and myself crossed the finish line and completed it. The study touches on a ton of deep-rooted issues, which if I didn’t have Jesus I would have bailed (ok well actually this is the almost 3rd time I have done this study… so back in college I attempted it but was not that intrigued so I never finished it, then I did it over last summer and loved it and then had the opportunity to do it with these young ladies.) Needless to say they started it and monday night marks the night we finished the entire study. And it was so so so good. *sigh*


End of the year BBQ for our CRU group.


Charis so wants this hot dog.

Ava loves Crusade and all of the students. And they love Ava!


Just chilled… Charis is loving sitting in chairs now.


We painted nails and braided hair. That’s what you get to do when you have little girls.



Went on a crazy adventure with my friend Dana. We drove to Portland and got a FREE piece of furniture. Not sure where it will go in this small house… maybe it’s a sign that we need to move ;). Then we tried out the new Starbucks “Trenta”, 30 oz’s of black tea goodness (just for the record this beverage is under $3! Holla!) Then from across the parking lot we spotted something… Awesome. Hanna Anderson outlet! Had no idea this existed. Don’t worry I didn’t go crazy…. remember I only get $50 a month. Charis got a brand new best friend though: cutest stuffed dog ever (will make a separate post for him later). seriously she will not let this guy go. Finally wrapped up our little escapade with a little PF Changs action, mmm mmm mmm lettace wraps. (Not gonna lie, I felt like I was living the life on Thursday, definitely not a normal occurence for me.) And I topped off the evening with a birthday party sushi style outing. (High life people, high life.)

This weeks been good thus far and the weekend has just started.

Such a great week. Love. my. life. (And it’s all thanks to Jesus!)

Reindeer Jammy Love

These jammies are Ava’s favorite jammies ever. This face, as a side note, is her “big face” as she calls it. This little girl is hilarious and just fills my heart with so much delight. I can’t stress enough how much this little girl loves these jammies. Whenever I put Charis in these Pj’s which are erring on the side of too small, Ava begs to be put in the same ones. It will be a sad day when Charis no longer gets to sport the same jammies as her big sis.

Even when Charis is not in these Jammies these are the ones Ava asks for first. She talks about her Reindeer Jammies when she’s not in them and talks about them when she is in them.

Plain goof ball I tell ya.

And now we have to change in to clothes for the day and this is what I get. She’s still cute when not happy.